directed study module
Aim of this directed study module
In various areas of what might be termed intelligent language processing, the question of categorising units and of ranking units for similarity arise.
In Information Extraction, from sentences, units have to recognised that can be seen as filling roles in database-entries in some domain you are particularly interested in (business events, terrorist incidents). So units have to be found and given categories such as company, date, weapon etc. Sometimes systems for such categorisations are called Named Entity Recognisers
In Question Answering, given a natural language question (eg. what command will copy a directory?), an answering natural language sentence is sought within a corpus of natural language text (such as a manual: command cp Dir1 Dir2 will copy the directory Dir1 to location Dir2). Roughly this can be seen as categorising the corpus sentences into the 2 categories of being an answer and not being an answer. More realistically it can be seen as ranking the corpus sentences for their likelihood to be answer to the question, and this ranking might take the form of computing a similarity between the answer and the question. Often within an overall question-answering system there are sub-systems whose concern is the categorisation of phrases. So units within the answer-corpus might be sought and categorised (such as location, person etc), and similar or identical categories might be assigned to questions (where was ...:location, who ...:person) and might be used to influence the selection or ranking of answers.
The techniques could be (and have been) used for such categorisation and similarity-ranking tasks might be classified along the following two dimensions
- Structural
- whether the method makes reference to linguistic structures or not (for example methods referring pretty much to just word-count statistics do not make reference to linguistic structures)
- Machine-Learning
- whether the method is hand-engineered, or instead is a method which uses training data to define the parameters and behaviour of a classifier.
The aim of this directed study module will be to look at techniques for categorisation and similarity ranking which (i) do make reference to linguistic structures and (ii) do make use of machine-learning methods, whilst making comparisons with techniques which do not share these characteristics.
Possible Plan
Within the area of techniques which do make reference to linguistic structure, and are not hand-engineered, the main contendors are
- Tree Distance
- defining a 'distance'
between two trees
, basically representing what is left-out and relabelled in an ancestry and linearity preserving mapping between
. For identical trees, the distance
is 0. [PRtY04,ZSW+05,KM05,Emm06a,Emm06b]
- Tree Kernels
- defining a so-called 'kernel' function
between two trees
, which effectively represents a vector product
on images of the trees projected into a space, each dimension of which represents a distinct substructure. 'kernel' functions are often thought of as 'similarity' functions: for identical trees, the 'similarity'
is large, and for trees with no shared substructures,
is 0. [ZAR03,ZL03,QMMB07,MGCB05,BM07]
- Support Vector Machine Classification
- using training data on which a kernel function
is defined and which are in 2 categories, a hyperplane is effectively found, defined by a normal vector w and an origin offset
, dividing the space of points according to
0 \mbox{\ \ \ \ \ \ } {\bf w} \bullet {\bf x} + b <>
Typically w is not directly found, but instead the quantity
is expressed by a summation involving the kernel function
and a finite subset of training points, the so-called support vectors
- k-NN classification
- assuming a distance function
which can be calculated between a test item and any member of a set of classified training data, rank the training data in order of increasing distance from the test item. In 1-NN classication, return as the category of the test item the category of its nearest neighbour. In k-NN classication, find the
nearest neighbours, and treat this as a panel of
votes for various categories, finally applying some weighted voting scheme to derive a winning category from the panel.
I would propose a plan in which first materials are studied to make sure that the above 4 concepts are reasonably well understood, followed by particular papers in which various combinations of these concepts have been applied to categorisation and ranking tasks.
Here's a first (and still unfinished) draft of the papers/materials to be looked at
- k-NN and distance functions
- SVMs and tree kernels
- Question Categorisation
- ZL03
- Dell Zhang and Wee Sun Lee.
Question classification using support vector machines.
In SIGIR '03: Proceedings of the 26th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in informaion retrieval, pages 26-32, New York, NY, USA, 2003. ACM. - QMMB07
- Silvi Quaternoni, Alessandro Moschitti, Suresh Manandhar, and Roberto Basili.
Advanced structural representations for question classification and answer re-ranking.
In Advances in Information Retrieval, proceedings of ECIR 2007. Springer, 2007.
- Question Answering and Text Entailment
- PRtY04
- Vasin Punyakanok, Dan Roth, and Wen tau Yih.
Natural language inference via dependency tree mapping: An application to question answering.
Computational Linguistics, 2004. - KM05
- Milen Kouylekov and Bernardo Magnini.
Recognizing textual entailment with tree edit distance algorithms.
In Ido Dagan, Oren Glickman, and Bernardo Magnini, editors, Pascal Challenges Workshop on Recognising Textual Entailment, 2005. - Emm06b
- Martin Emms.
Variants of tree similarity in a question answering task.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Distances, held in conjunction with COLING 2006, pages 100-108, Sydney, Australia, July 2006. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Relation Extraction
- ZAR03
- Dmitry Zelenko, Chinatsu Aone, and Anthony Richardella.
Kernel methods for relation extraction.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 3:1083-1106, 2003. - ZSW05
- Min Zhang, Jian Su, Danmei Wang, Guodong Zhou, and Chew Lim Tan.
Discovering relations between named entities from a large raw corpus using tree similarity-based clustering.
In IJCNLP, 2005. - MGCB05
- Alessandro Moschitti, Ana-Maria Giuglea, Bonaventura Coppola, and Roberto Basili.
Hierarchical semantic role labeling.
In Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2005 shared task), 2005. - BM07
- Stephan Bloehdorn and Alessandro Moschitti.
Combined syntactic and semantic kernels for text classification.
In Gianni Amati, Claudio Carpineto, and Gianni Romano, editors, Advances in Information Retrieval - Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2007), 2-5 April 2007, Rome, Italy, volume 4425 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 307-318. Springer, APR 2007.
- BM07
- Stephan Bloehdorn and Alessandro Moschitti.
Combined syntactic and semantic kernels for text classification.
In Gianni Amati, Claudio Carpineto, and Gianni Romano, editors, Advances in Information Retrieval - Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2007), 2-5 April 2007, Rome, Italy, volume 4425 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 307-318. Springer, APR 2007. - Emm06a
- Martin Emms.
Clustering by tree distance for parse tree normalisation.
In Proceedings of NLUCS 2006, pages 91-100, 2006. - Emm06b
- Martin Emms.
Variants of tree similarity in a question answering task.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Distances, held in conjunction with COLING 2006, pages 100-108, Sydney, Australia, July 2006. Association for Computational Linguistics. - KM05
- Milen Kouylekov and Bernardo Magnini.
Recognizing textual entailment with tree edit distance algorithms.
In Ido Dagan, Oren Glickman, and Bernardo Magnini, editors, Pascal Challenges Workshop on Recognising Textual Entailment, 2005. - MGCB05
- Alessandro Moschitti, Ana-Maria Giuglea, Bonaventura Coppola, and Roberto Basili.
Hierarchical semantic role labeling.
In Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2005 shared task), 2005. - PRtY04
- Vasin Punyakanok, Dan Roth, and Wen tau Yih.
Natural language inference via dependency tree mapping: An application to question answering.
Computational Linguistics, 2004. - QMMB07
- Silvi Quaternoni, Alessandro Moschitti, Suresh Manandhar, and Roberto Basili.
Advanced structural representations for question classification and answer re-ranking.
In Advances in Information Retrieval, proceedings of ECIR 2007. Springer, 2007. - ZAR03
- Dmitry Zelenko, Chinatsu Aone, and Anthony Richardella.
Kernel methods for relation extraction.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 3:1083-1106, 2003. - ZL03
- Dell Zhang and Wee Sun Lee.
Question classification using support vector machines.
In SIGIR '03: Proceedings of the 26th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in informaion retrieval, pages 26-32, New York, NY, USA, 2003. ACM. - ZSW+05
- Min Zhang, Jian Su, Danmei Wang, Guodong Zhou, and Chew Lim Tan.
Discovering relations between named entities from a large raw corpus using tree similarity-based clustering.
In IJCNLP, 2005.
Martin Emms 2009-02-09
Web Information Retrieval: Spam Detection and Named Entity Recognition
Query decomposition
Topical query descomposition
Query in red
Do blue set
Quality of decomposition
Cost: low topical scattered
Red faction low `(small quantity of documents)
Inter-query overlap (well descompose)
Uncovered (try to cover all the query).
Annealing function
Solutions are neighbors if they differed by 1 query.
Quasi-transitive (temperature preference)
Utility function
Social preferences
Majority voting: is not transitive
Single peakedness
Arrows social welfare function
We like:
Arrow’s impossibility theorem.
reading group
Tree Kernels for semantic role labeling
Tree Kernels for semantic role labeling (32 pages)
0. Abstract
This paper is based on kernel functions to model parse tree properties in kernel based machines.
1. Introduction
Recently attention: automatic labeling of semantic roles. It requires:
1. Detection of the target predicate
2. Detection and classification of constituting arguments.
Previous work:
- Machine learning
- Linking theories semantic and syntax
Tree kernel for:
- Parsing re-ranking
- Relation extraction
- Name entity recognition.
Recent work with high labeling accuracy,
Joint inference on predicate-argument structure. For this -> extract features from sentence syntactic parse tree.
1- Feature extraction.
2- Combination with traditional attribute value models.
3- Feature engineering using kernel combinations and marking strategies.
4- Tree kernels….
5- Identify the most important structured features: highest-weighted features -> better classifiers.
“Tree kernels should always be applied”.
a) Poor impact on boundary detection.
b) Limited contribution to overall accuracy.
Tree kernels for srl: types:
- Canonical mappings
- Feature extraction functions
Carefully engineered tree kernels always increase accuracy.
2. Automatic shallow semantic parsing
3. Tree kernels
4. State of the art architecture for SRL
5. Structured feature engineering
6. Experiments
7. Discursion and conclusions
Semantic Role Labeling: An Introduction to the Special Issue
® Sentence + designated verb: SRL identify the arguments of the verb. And label them with semantic roles.
® Steps:
¯ 1 Pruning.
¯ 2 Local scoring
¯ 3 Joint scoring
(4) Fixing common errors
® Filtering the set of arguments for a given predicate.
¯ Any subsequence of words in the sentence is an argument candidate.
® Xue and Palmer (2004)
Joint scoring
® Good structure of labeled arguments.
® Arguments do not overlap,
® Core arguments do not repeat, etc.
® Re-ranking
® Probabilistic methods.
Conditional random fields
SRL architecture:
® Combination of systems and input annotations.
¯ Increase robustness,
¯ Gain coverage
¯ Reduce effects of parse errors
® One my combine:
¯ Output of independents srl basic systems
¯ Outputs from same srl s. changing input annotations or parameters.
Gaing of 2-3 F1 points.
® Joint labeling…
® Dependency parsing
® Combine parsing and srl in a single step. …
® Characterize candidate argument
phrase type, headword, …
® Characterize verb predicate +cntx
lemma, voice,
® Characterize the relation.
Syntactic + semantic.
Left/right position of the constituent with respect to the verb…
® Recall:
® 81% argument identification
® 95% assigned correct semantic role.
® SemEval-2007
® Disambiguation of 50 verbs.
® FrameNet
® 40 frames
® F1=92% asigning semantic roles
® F1 83% segmenting and labeling arg.
® Complete analysis of semantic roles on unseen texts,
® Precision 60s
® Recall 30s
® SRL relies on syntactic structure.
® Output by statistical parser 90% matching.
® Is common to use parser trees.
® Gold-standard trees.???
® Most of the errors are by having incorrect syntactic constituents.
® SRL relies on syntactic structure.
® Output by statistical parser 90% matching.
® Is common to use parser trees.
® Gold-standard trees.???
® Most of the errors are by having incorrect syntactic constituents.
® CoNLL-2005 Brown corpus annotated
® Performance drop below 70%
® They clamed errors are in assigning the semantic roles rather than identification of argument boundaries.
® Spanish and catalan, CESS-ECE corpus.
® 86% disambiguation predicates
® 83% labeling arguments.
® chinese
® semEval-2007 25K SENTENCE
® 80% core elements.
Top performing team use machine learning techniques2009/03/27
Semantic role labeling: an introduction to the special issue
1 Introduction SRL:
Information extraction
Question ansering
NLP tasks
major conclusion of that work is that the patterns of syntactic alternation exhibit regularity that reflects an underlying semantic similarity among verbs, forming the basis for verb classes major conclusion of that work is that the patterns of syntactic alternation exhibit regularity that reflects an underlying semantic similarity among verbs, forming the basis for verb classes ?? what it means?
2 Semantic roles in linguistics
3 From Linguistic Theory to computational resources:
2002 first statistical machine learning approach to SRL
Verb lexicon
Proposition bank
Each verb has a framset listing its allowed role labeling.
Arg0, arg1 -> to be specific with semantic roles
Abstract semantic role: agent, theme, location.
4 Approaches to automatic SRL:
Only supervised approach.
4.1 SRL Step by Step
First step: filtering or pruning.
The second step consists of a local scoring of argument candidates: argument identification and classification.
The third : joint scoring.
Syntactic-oriented arguments and adjuncts
frame semantics core and peripheral.
posible topics :
ACM news
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (03/13/09)
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid School of Computing researchers have developed a system designed to improve decision-making processes in complex situations. The system was tested on the restoration of Lake Svyatoye in Belarus, which was contaminated by the Chernobyl accident. Professors Antonio Jimenez, Alfonso Mateos, and Sixto Rios, from the Department of Artificial Intelligence's Decision Analysis and Statistics Group, aimed to account for incomplete information and any possible effects those gaps could have on decision making. Multi-Attribute Utility Theory is often used to solve decision-making problems. The theory says that after building a hierarchy of objectives and identifying a set of alternatives and each alternative's value for impact on the objectives, the decision maker's preferences are quantified. The new system uses two approaches to manage incomplete information, which occurs when the impacts of some alternatives and attributes are unknown. The first approach redistributes criteria weights with missing values or impacts throughout the objectives hierarchy and across other criteria, which means the criteria hierarchy and its assigned weights vary when each alternative is analyzed depending on the criteria with missing values. The second approach associates the citerion range, the set of possible values, as the impact for a criterion with missing values, which means the entire range of values are considered possible and equally likely.
Machine learning
A tentative table of contents:
- Bayesian Decision Theory
- minimum error rate classification
- discriminant functions and decision surfaces
- Parametric models and parameter estimation
- Non-parametric techniques
- K-Nearest neighbors classifier
- Decision trees
- Linear models
- Perceptron
- Logistic regression (Maxent)
- Large margin and kernel methods
- Generative versus discriminative modeling
- Sequence labeling and structure prediction
- Hidden Markov and MaxEnt Markov Models
- Sequence perceptron
- Conditional Random Fields
- Learning + Inference models
summer schools
start | finish | duration | Price: | web | ||||||||
1 | pisa | italy | Evaluation, Best Practices and Collaboration for Multilingual Information Access | 15-Jun | 19-Jun | 4 | | € 200.00 | http://www.trebleclef.eu/summerschool_registration&grants.php | only tutation fees | GRANT possibility | |
2 | Bordeaux | france | 18-Jul | 02-Aug | 15 | | € 225.00 | ACEPTED | ||||
3 | belfast | Uk | artificial intelligence | 23-Aug | 29-Aug | 6 | | € 340.00 | recommendation letter | |||
4 | cambridge | UK | Machine learning | 29-Aug | 10-Sep | 12 | | 900pounds | recommendation letter, all included | |||
5 | russia | Information retrival | 11-Sep | 16-Sep | 5 | | € 0.00 | |||||
padua | Italy | Information retrival | 31-Aug | 04-Sep | 4 | | 500 |
Information Retrieval ESSIR2009
at the same time as in cambridge
Registration: Apr 30, 2009
School: Aug 31 - Sep 4, 2009
The European Summer School in Information Retrieval (ESSIR) 2009 gathers in Padua, Italy lectures and satellite meetings for exchange and dissemination in the modeling, design and implementation of advanced systems for the representation, storage, search and retrieval of information.
ESSIR 2009 will be the 7th European School in Information Retrieval. For more information on the past editions, check the History of ESSIR.
Padua is a pleasant historical city, home to one of the oldest and most prestigious Universities in Europe. Now little more than 400 years ago, Galileo, came here as a Professor of Mathematics to spend, in his own words, "the 18 best years of my entire age". Venice is only 15 miles away, connected by frequent buses and trains. Bologna or Verona, Florence or Milan, Rome or Turin, are conveniently reached by train in one, two, four hours, respectively.
M. Agosti, R. Baeza-Yates, N. Fuhr, A. Gionis, P. Ingwersen, M. Lalmas, M. Melucci, J.Y. Nie, S. Robertson, S. Rüger, I. Ruthven, M. Sanderson, J. Shanahan, C.J. van Rijsbergen, H. Zaragoza.
Foundations of Information Retrieval, Indexing Techniques, Formal Models, Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems, Users and Context, Multimedia and Multilingual Retrieval, Digital Libraries, Semi-structured Data, Machine Learning, Distributed Search, Advertising and Mining on the World Wide Web.
Grammar Induction and Iterated Learning
Grammar Induction and Iterated Learning.
Dr. Willem (Jelle) Zuidema from the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
key words:
bayesian learning
signal-> concept
Grammar induction:
Merging and chinking non terminals
Chinking repeats the pattern.
The correct secuence can reproduce any free context grammar.
PTSG Probabilistic Tree substitution Grammars
DOP grammar , assign all possible binary structure
Iterative learning
Ontogeney -> Bayesian
Phylogeny : evolution
Grammar -> language -> grammar -> language -> …
Probability of the data.