
reading c++ code tree-distance


2h research methods + discussion about the project
1 spanish class 1h
Apply for a TCHPC accoun



preparing spanish lecture
reading dependence tree code.

/sharde/teaching/CSLL/4th  /ZhangShasha/lib/
Bayesian Learning tutorial


Study english 1h


reading group

A New Approach to the study of translationese: Machine-learning the difference between original and translated text

MT text categorization
translationese: dialect

less lexical dense
order repeat linguistic features

unigram , bi gram , tri gram -> windows size n words.

lemma -> root of the word

SVM -> hav capacity of feature selection.

majority vouting
recall maximitacion (at least 1 vote).

pronouns & adverbial forms the most important.

compatible corpus: same topic.
humman comparation, same performance as machine.


Designing the SRL system,

it will be able to label nodes, and to label semantic relations,
but it will be not able to predict semantic relations


1 spanish lecture
2 h research methods


chatting about how to design the SRL system.
2 implementations


recall English lessons

13 Hidden Markov models

Introduction to machine learning.

urns example
reading mail


undestanding SRL corpus


Fwd: [SIGIR2009-Poster] Your Paper #169

We regret to inform you that your poster submission

Title: Estimating performance of text classification

has not been accepted for the SIGIR 2009 Poster Track.

The review process was extremely selective and many submissions could
not be accepted for the final program. Out of the 256 poster submissions,
the program committee selected only 86 posters, an acceptance rate of about

The reviews for your submission are included below. Each poster was
reviewed by at least three reviewers. Final poster decisions were made
by the poster co-chairs.

The conference program and registration details will be available on
the conference website shortly at:


We hope to see you in Boston in July. If you plan on attending the
conference, then it is important to note that all visitors to the US require
a visa or a visa waiver. The starting point is the page
through which citizens of many countries can obtain a visa waiver.

Thank you again for submitting your poster to SIGIR2009-Poster.

Best regards,

The SIGIR2009-Poster Program Chairs
Jimmy Lin and Don Metzler
------------- Review from Reviewer 1 -------------
Relevance to SIGIR (1-5, accept threshold=3)  : 3
Originality of work (1-5, accept threshold=3)  : 3
Quality of work (1-5, accept threshold=3)     : 3
Adequacy of Citations (1-5, accept threshold=3) : 3
Quality of presentation (1-5, accept threshold=3) : 3
Impact of Ideas or Results (1-5, accept threshold=3) : 2
Impact of Resources (1-5, no threshold)       : 1
Recommendation (1-6)                          : 2
Confidence in review (1-4)                    : 2

-- Comments to the author(s):
This paper takes a look at the relationship between the number of
classes and accuracy regarding classfication in multiple classes.

Note that some of the equations came out as gibberish (in Adobe Reader
7) - i.e. some of the text in the last para of Section 2.
-- Summary:
This seems like a small work toward looking at text classifier
performance.  For me, it seemed more like a core dump of bits of
information.  I would recommend that the authors try to make it clear
what the real contribution of this paper is in the future.
---------- End of Review from Reviewer 1 ----------
------------- Review from Reviewer 2 -------------
Relevance to SIGIR (1-5, accept threshold=3)  : 4
Originality of work (1-5, accept threshold=3)  : 3
Quality of work (1-5, accept threshold=3)     : 2
Adequacy of Citations (1-5, accept threshold=3) : 3
Quality of presentation (1-5, accept threshold=3) : 2
Impact of Ideas or Results (1-5, accept threshold=3) : 2
Impact of Resources (1-5, no threshold)       : 1
Recommendation (1-6)                          : 2
Confidence in review (1-4)                    : 4

-- Comments to the author(s):
The paper studied the relationship between the number of classes and
the classification accuracy. The problems of the paper are listed

(1) For multi-class classification, the numbers of samples in
different categories are often very imbalanced, which can have big
effects on the classification accuracy. However, this important factor
is ignored in the paper.

(2) In Figure 1, it is not clear to judge that naïve Bayes performed
better than kNN.

(3) The presentation is not good. Section 2 needs to be well
re-organized and greatly polished. The English needs much improvement.

-- Summary:
There is a big technical problem in the paper, and the presentation is bad.
---------- End of Review from Reviewer 2 ----------
------------- Review from Reviewer 3 -------------
Relevance to SIGIR (1-5, accept threshold=3)  : 3
Originality of work (1-5, accept threshold=3)  : 1
Quality of work (1-5, accept threshold=3)     : 1
Adequacy of Citations (1-5, accept threshold=3) : 1
Quality of presentation (1-5, accept threshold=3) : 1
Impact of Ideas or Results (1-5, accept threshold=3) : 1
Impact of Resources (1-5, no threshold)       : 1
Recommendation (1-6)                          : 1
Confidence in review (1-4)                    : 6

-- Comments to the author(s):
The poster analyses the relation between the expected accuracy of
classifiers and  the number of classes.

It describes an incremental algorithm for estimating the accuracy of
classifiers for a given classification problem.

Some experiments are performed on a small dataset.

The paper is not understandable in its present form and should be
rewritten. Definitions should be provided (e.g. epistasis or synergy
of a split), the algorithm should be carefully described.

-- Summary:
Paper should be completely rewritten. The present version cannot be understood.
---------- End of Review from Reviewer 3 ----------

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reading 50 emails.
two hours meeting on semantic role labeling research group
study english

reading group

EACL2009 paper "Semi-Supervised Semantic Role
Labeling" on Monday the 6th of April (from 4:00 to 5:00)


Introduction to teaching and supporting learning for postgraduate who teach 8:30 to 4:00pm

Teaching theory
Teaching plans
Teaching Delivery
Reflection on Teaching



border-smote reading group

going to uni

directed sutdies 10% complete



Writed by Martin Emms.

Notes by Hector Franco.

0 Abstract

Potential application: Transformation of interrogative to indicative sentences. -> is a step on question answering. | A tree distance is proposed -> find a pattern tree that summarizes the cluster. .

1 Introduction

Previous work:

Question-answering with tree-distance.

1 take a parse-structure from a question, 2 match it up to parse-structures of candidate answers.

Normalization: change passive structures to active structures: interrogative to indicative.

Popular parser: Collins probabilistic. Trained on Penn Treebank.

Trees are not assigned in accordance with any finite grammar.

Simple transformation -> mentally induction. (Very boring)

Method described:

Parse structures can be hierarchically clustered by tree-distance and kind of centroid tree for a chosen cluster can be generated which exemplifies typical traits of trees with the cluster.


2 Tree distance


Source and target trees

Preserve left to right order and ancestry.


(Not sense to summarize, just look the original).

2.1. question answering by tree distance.

Answers ranked according to the tree-distance from the questions.

QATD : question answering by tree distance.

Additional methods: query-expansion, query-type identification, named entity recognition.

Syntactic structures group items semantically related.

Syntactic structures might encode or represent a great deal that is not semantic in any sense.


Variances in tree distances:

Sub-tree: the cost of the least cost mapping from a sub-tree of the source.

Sub-traversal: the least cost mapping from a sub-traversal of the left-to-right post –order traversal of the source.

Structural weights: weights according to the syntactic structure.

Wild cards: can have zero cost matching, ???????????

Lexical Emphasis: leaf nodes have weights which are scaled up in comparison to nodes which are internal to the tree.

String Distance: if code source and target the string distance coincides with tree distance. ??????


Tree distance which uses sub-trees, weights , wild-cards and lexical emphasis, are better than sub-string distance and each parameter improve it.






3 Clustering by tree distance

Used the agglomerative clustering algorithm: pic a pair of cluster with minimal distance and merge it into a single one.

Agglomerative coefficient: measure of overall quality.

S(q) cluster of q

Merge_dist(q) intercluster distance.

Agglomerative coefficient AC merge_dist/Df. 1 the best (0 to 1).

Giving different weight give a better results. (head/complement/adjunt/…)

4 Deriving a pattern tree form a cluster

How to seek the centre point of a cluster. (the one with minimal distance to the others).

Distance is Euclidean or cosine.


New function: aling_outcome( node I, paramb)

B =0 matched perfectly, b=1 substituted, b=2 deleted.

Used to derive an alignment summary tree, align_sum( c )


Final step:

Deletion nodes are deleted

Substitution nodes become wild-card trees.


5 conclusions and future work

Adaptations of tree distance improve question answering, and cluster quality.



MULTEXT-East Version 4: multilingual morphosyntactic specifications

Friday talk


multilingual morphosyntactic


Determine ambiguity class

Saw – nn saw – vrd



I saw, a saw (ver / serrucho)


Popular targers:


Tree tagser (decision tree)

TBL transformation based taggin.



Tag Sets

  1. Brown
  2. CLAWS
  3. PTB.


MSD Morphosyntactic Descriptors

|POS| < |MSD|



Basic Language Resource Kit:



1 specification

2 Lexicon

3 parallelcorpus





The talk presents work in progress on the fourth version of the multilingual language resources originating in the MULTEXT and MULTEXT-East projects in the '90s. The resources are focused on language technology oriented morphosyntactic descriptions of languages, i.e. on providing features and tagsets useful for word-level tagging of corpora, what is commonly known as part-of-speech tagging. But unlike English, where »part-of-speech« tagsets number around 50, most other (inflectional, agglutinating) languages have much richer word-level morphosyntactic structures; the tagset for Slovene, for example, has almost 2,000 different tags. The MULTEXT-East resources comprise morphosyntactic specifications, defining the features and their tagsets, lexica, and annotated corpora. Version 3 (2004) is the last released version, with the resources being freely available for research from http://nl.ijs.si/me/ and having been downloaded by over 200 registered users, mostly from universities and research institutions. The talk introduces the XML structure of the specifications in Version 4, to contain data for over 13 languages. We discuss the characteristics of the languages covered, the use of the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines as the encoding scheme and XSLT in transforming the specifications into other formats. An application of this framework is then given, namely the JOS language resources for Slovene, http://nl.ijs.si/jos/, which provide a manually validated morphosyntactically annotated reference corpus for the language. Finally, the methodology of adding new languages to the specifications is presented.



demestration 1h c++ natural language processing




several hours searching for a suitable evaluation
seting up a lab note book
several hours
atending research methods

1h teaching spanish
1h talk of artificial live and the selfish gene


Dear Martin.

I was talking with Baoli, and we think that maybe will be a good idea
to start to prepare a evaluation for this year.

I was thinking that will be good to try this question answering task:


I will try to find you tomorrow to talk about it

Evaluation forums

Evaluation Forums on http://www.clef-campaign.org/


Cross-Language Evaluation Forum


Text Retrieval Conference


NII-NACSIS Test Collection for IR Systems


INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval

FIREForum for Information Retrieval Evaluation

Research Programmes


European Network of Excellence in Human Languages Technologies


Translingual Information Detection, Extraction and Summarization (DARPA)



Evaluations and Language Resources Distribution Association


Linguistic Data Consortium


United Nations Official Documents Online - consists of 800,000 searchable parallel documents in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish, primarily in PDF and / or MS Word format.  Resource Shelf  summarizes the main features and other UN resources.


Free retrieval system from NIST, complete with (simplistic) German and French stemmers

SDA data
German/French/Italian 1988-90
Please consult the README.txtfile.

Training collection used for the TREC6-8 CLIR tracks (password-protected. Please consult the CLEF administration.)

Web of Online-Dictionaries

online dictionaries for 100s of languages

Altavista Babelfish

(Systran-powered) online machine translation from Altavista


On-line translation tools


On-line translation tools


On-line translation tools

Reverso Online

On-line translation tools

Selected References on Evaluation 
(for CLEF papers, see our Website under Publications)


preparing spanish lecture

directed studies

reading papers. on question anwering. 

c++ projects

1 hour demostrating

Six challenging projects for the students


Web Information Retrieval: Spam Detection and Named Entity Recognition

Spam detection

Linguistic features

Adds: web spam

Full search engines: for ranking it-self








Blog spam: blog of hide links

Attractive keywords

Linguistic analysis

Light-weight linguistic analysis

Air web – workshop

Attributes for ML.

Lexical diversity

Syntactical entropy


-          Hosts

-          Documents


String distance metrics


Name variations complicate the t…

Permutations, abbreviations, speling mistakes, declensions


Edit distance metrics:


Bag distance



Smith-waterman with affine gaps.

Common character-level n-grams

q-grams, positional, q-grams, skip-grams


longest common substring LCS


string distance


jaro – winkler
